البودكاست كنافذة شبابية على ريادة الأعمال

البودكاست كنافذة شبابية على ريادة الأعمال

المشارك في الندوة العلمية الدولية المدمجة بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لتعزيز مهارات الشباب 15/7/2024
عنوان مداخلته : البودكاست كنافذة شبابية على ريادة الأعمال
الإعلامي والصحفي : عمر الفاروق النخال – الأمارات
Lebanese journalist with extensive experience in written journalism, radio, television, news websites, public relations, and communication since 2008.
A writer, researcher, and lecturer specializing in new media and digital transformation, and an internationally certified trainer in media skills.
As a voice-over artist and host, I have participated in numerous media, cultural, and educational events in Beirut and across the Arab world.
I have published dozens of research papers and articles on political and cultural topics in various Arab newspapers, magazines, and websites. Additionally, I have authored five books covering politics, poetry, prose, and media studies.
My career includes roles as an editor, news anchor, and correspondent. I have presented over 20 radio programs on politics, arts, culture, and education. I have also embraced the podcasting era with various projects, most recently with Sky News Arabia in Abu Dhabi.
قد تكون صورة ‏‏شخص واحد‏ و‏تحتوي على النص '‏‎International Blended IntematoalBlendedSceiips Scientific Symposiumto Enhance EnhanceYouthSkills Youth Skills PODCAST AS A YOUTH WINDOW INTO ENTREPRENEURSHIP Dr.Omar AL Farouk Nakhal Media professional and researcher in the field of new media media-UAE UAE‎‏'‏‏

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