Name: Nahed Abu Mandeel.
Country: Palestine.
Educational Qualification: PhD Curriculum and Teaching Methods.
Occupation: Teacher at the…
Name: Nahed Abu Mandeel.
Country: Palestine.
Educational Qualification: PhD Curriculum and Teaching Methods.
Occupation: Teacher at the…
Name: Yasmin Elyan.
Country: Egypt.
Educational Qualification: PhD in Tourism and Archeology
Name: Mohammed Al-Sanoori
Country: Palestine.
Professional Experience: News anchor – presenter of political programs on Palestine…
Name: Ali Ezz Eddin Al-Khatib.
Country: Iraq.
Educational Qualifications: PhD in Modern Literary Criticism.
Professional Experience: Dean…
Name: Abeer Sadeq
Country: Egypt
Occupation: Senior Antiquities Inspector at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Name: Ahmed Jawad AlWadiya.
Country: Palestine
Educational Qualification: Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations.
Name: Adnan I. AlHajjar
Country: Palestine
Educational Qualification: Post Doctoral in Law
Occupation: University Professor.
Position: Counsellor of…
Name: Hekmat Alyan Al-Masry
Country: Palestine.
Educational Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction.
Occupation: Professor…
Name: Fayza Al Husseini
Country: Egypt
Qualification: Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction.
Occupation: Professor of Curricula and Methods…
Name: Kefaya Abu Al-Huda
Country: Palestine
Qualifications: Doctorate in environment, specializing in hazardous waste.
Occupation: Professor at…