Psychological Adaptation and Women’s Confrontation with the Challenges of the Times

Psychological Adaptation and Women’s Confrontation with the Challenges of the Times

Mr. Asma Lamrani Kasri

Research- Self-development Coach

Kingdom of Morocco.



Psychological adaptation is the adaptation to the environment and the variables. It is a dynamic process that aims to create balance, parity and harmony with the environment and the person’s ability to adapt to reality using the internal and self-capabilities to adapt to situations and abandon other beliefs.

Woman is half of the society, since she raises the other half, it means that she is the whole society. Therefore, her role is so important to create a good balanced family. Because women could have different positions in the society, they face a number of challenges in the new century. Woman must be qualified and responsible for the tasks that are relevant to build a good society and to access adoption with harmony.

Psychological Adaptation is one of the foundations of healthy psychology for the individual, in general, and for the woman in particular, which is considered a mechanism that women could though it from any catastrophe, threat or even accident peacefully, in compatibility with self and environment. Since it is considered a program of harmony and harmonization that concentrate, mainly, on aware thinking which is a positive process and an internal conviction of the psychological change to participate an active and aware way with the milieu, away from the patterns of attachment, excessive dependence and aversion and the skill of influencing the other and seeing events and situations from a positive angle and turning them into fruitful grants.

Here, it is necessary to evoke the way to engineer the self, which depends on two main pillars, which are, change and influence in order to explode and launch the best self-energies among the capabilities, skills and potential of the human being which are the art of managing thinking, managing feelings and senses with knowledge and intelligence through a mastered plan that requires adherence to the steps, methods, and scientific systematic tools in the process of psychological change and life management.

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