Pillar Presents a Research Paper about: The Role of Social Media in Deceiving Arab Women Towards Migration

Pillar Presents a Research Paper about: The Role of Social Media in Deceiving Arab Women Towards Migration

The General Director of Pillar Centre for Conflict Resolution and Scientific Research, Dr. Nermin Majid, participated in the international conference: the Future of Migration in its Economic, Social, Political and Cultural Dimensions with a paper entitled of “The Role of Social Media in Deceiving Arab Women towards Migration“. The conference was organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Batman University of Turkey and the Migration Department of the Turkish Ministry of Interior. It was attended by many professors and experts from several Arab and foreign countries, and the research aimed to present the results of field research on the role of social media in deceiving Arab women towards migration outside their countries. Where, today, Migration is no longer limited to young people looking for a source of livelihood, it has also affected women remarkably, especially since most of the stories of women’s migration end in tragedies. She adopted the descriptive approach to achieve the goal of the research, where a digital questionnaire was conducted on a sample of specialists in human rights and women’s rights issues and experts in international and regional centers and organizations in various Arab and foreign countries, with the application

of the questionnaire through interview when necessary. It reached conclusions that most of the strings that social media played on deceiving Arab girls and women and urging them to migrate, whether legal or illegal, are “work”, “education”, and “marriage”, as most of them migrate in search of an opportunity for a decent life. The content of social communication played on their migration motives, which are primarily economic motives, but the social motive also took a not easy situation, as I attributed this to the psychological and social alienation experienced by Arab women in patriarchal societies that are torn apart by currents of cultural invasion from all sides, making women in which she seeks to emigrate to escape the collective schizophrenia experienced by their community. We also found that the temptations of social communication infiltrate from the entrances to self-realization for women with high qualifications and ambitious projects, and were appended to the research with a number of proposals that could alleviate the severity of the crisis on our societies, whose condition will only be fixed by fixing the condition women in them.

Dr. Majid reached several recommendations, the most important of which are:

  • Intensifying awareness campaigns to educate women about the dangers of this phenomenon.
  • Establishing psychologically based programs aimed at changing and modifying women’s positive attitudes towards illegal immigration.
  • Leave the space for specialists to deal with the phenomenon and provide various possibilities that facilitate scientific work for them instead of media defamation of the phenomenon and the emergence of various analyzes and interpretations that have no scientific basis in the field.
  • Creating a comprehensive Arab study cell that includes various specialists in various fields to study the phenomenon of illegal immigration in order to come up with points that could limit the increase and rise in the phenomenon.
  • Allocating psychological and human rights hearings for women who suffer from the phenomenon of psychological and social alienation.
  • Conducting long-term follow-up studies to find out the consequences of Arab women’s migration.
  • Working on building an Arab database that provides comprehensive information on everything related to the causes, motives and reality of Arab women’s migration.


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