Education and Scientific Research

Pillar Holds a Joint International Scientific Webinar on the International Youth Day

On the occasion of the International Youth Day, Pillar Centre for Conflict Resolution and Scientific Research - London, in partnership with a number of universities and scientific and research...

Assigning Member of Pillar Centre Dr. Viola Makhzoum as the General Coordinator of the Digital Governance Conference

-Lebanon   The Islamic University of Lebanon organized a conference entitled of: Digital Governance: Concepts and Practices in the Lebanese Educational Sector, in order to address the problems facing the educational...

Al-Bashaer Radio Hosts the General Director of Pillar Centre to Talk about Electronic Blackmail and Women

Thursday, 7th of July, 2022. Al-Bashaer Radio- Lebanon hosted the General Director of Pillar Centre for Conflict Resolution, International Arbitration and Scientific Research, Dr. Nermin Majid in an episode about:...

Pillar Centre held the International Scientific Webinar: (Child Labour between Permissible and Prohibited).

Pillar Centre for Conflict Resolution, International Arbitration and Scientific Research- London in partnership with the Lebanese University - Lebanon, Gezira University - Sudan, Polytechnic University - Palestine, Kassala University...

Pillar Presents a Research Paper about: The Role of Social Media in Deceiving Arab Women Towards Migration

The General Director of Pillar Centre for Conflict Resolution and Scientific Research, Dr. Nermin Majid, participated in the international conference: the Future of Migration in its Economic, Social, Political...