Pillar Center for Conflict Resolution calls on the international community to halt the aggression and protect Palestinian civilians

وقف العدوان وحماية المدنيين الفلسطينين

Pillar Center for Conflict Resolution calls on the international community to halt the aggression and protect Palestinian civilians

London – Turkey

“Dr. Ali Nazli, The President of Pillar Center for Conflict Resolution and International Arbitration, urges the international community to intervene urgently to halt the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.”

Pillar Center expresses deep concern over direct Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure, resulting in numerous casualties among civilians. It calls upon international and UN institutions to take urgent, practical actions to halt these assaults. Pillar Center is closely monitoring the grave threats issued by Israeli leaders regarding their intent to escalate operations against the Gaza Strip.

Nazli appealed to the United Nations and the World Health Organization to declare a state of emergency in the Gaza Strip and provide urgent humanitarian and healthcare services to the population amidst the escalating situation in Gaza. He called upon the international community to work towards comprehensive solutions to the issue, including ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and securing the legitimate political and civil rights of Palestinians.

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